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Event Series Event Series: Norm Evans Apple Cup Regatta

Norm Evans Apple Cup Regatta

April 30, 2022
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Don Morse Park
619 W. Manson Hwy
Chelan, 98816 United States
+ Google Map

One event on April 30, 2022 at 9:00 am

One event on May 1, 2022 at 9:00 am

2022 “Chase the Grapes” Shootout!

CHELAN –  The Lake Chelan Norm Evans Apple Cup Regatta will be held April 30 – May 1 on Lake Chelan. Some 50 teams from around the Northwest Region (Region 10) will be converging on beautiful Lake Chelan to compete for National and Regional High Points Championships.

Beside a multitude of classes of hydroplanes, there will be static displays for photo opportunities and former champions will bring history of the sport of hydroplane racing.

This is the first race of a 4-race Region 10 Hydroplane event coming to the Upper Columbia Valley in the heart of wine country.

The Upper Columbia Cup ‘Chase the Grapes’ shootout will have four stages. Stage 1 in Chelan, April 30 – May1, Stage 2 in Pateros August 27 – 28, Stage 3 in Brewster on September 10 – 11 and Stage 4 in Manson on September 24 – 25. Points will be accumulated separately from APBA National points, beginning with Chelan and ending in Manson.


On Friday, April 29th, come to Downtown Chelan for a viewing of the hydroplanes!